Working with Items in the Gallery Window

To do this...

Follow this procedure...

Sort the items in a Gallery window

Click a column heading (List View) or choose one of the “by” commands from the View menu. The default is the order in which the items were added to the catalog; catalogs can only be sorted on indexed fields. Galleries revert to the order cataloged after each search.

Reorder items in a Gallery window

Drag the item(s) and drop where you want them to appear. Galleries revert to the order cataloged after each search.

Select items

Click the item row (List view) or thumbnail (Thumbnail view). To add another item to the selection, press Command (Mac OS) or Shift (Windows) while clicking the item. To select a contiguous range of items, press Shift (Mac OS) or Ctrl (Windows) while clicking on the first and last item.

Preview an item

Double-click the item’s thumbnail. Or select the item, then select "Preview Original&ldots;” from the Item menu.

Display an item’s properties

Select the item, then choose “Item Properties&ldots;” from the Item menu. Or press Command+I (Mac OS) or Alt+Enter (Windows).

Edit an item’s source file

Select the item, then choose “Edit Original” from the Item menu.

Edit an item’s keyword list

Select the item, then choose “Item Properties&ldots;” from the Item menu and edit the keywords in the Keywords tab.

Edit multiple items’ keyword list

Select the items, then choose “Edit Keywords&ldots;” from the Item menu.

Add items to a Catalog*

From the Finder (Mac OS) or Explorer (Windows), select the item(s) to be added, then drag and drop them into an open Gallery window in the desired catalog. Or choose “Add Items” from the Catalog menu.

Copy items to another Gallery in the same Catalog

Drag the item thumbnail(s) (or rows) and drop in the other Gallery window. Or use the standard system copy and paste functions to copy items from one Gallery to another.

Copy items to a Gallery in a different Catalog*

Drag the item thumbnail(s) (or rows) and drop in the other Catalog. The item is copied to the catalog unless it already exists. Or use the standard system copy and paste functions to copy items to another catalog.

Move items to another Gallery

Select the item(s) to be moved, then use the standard system Cut [Command+X (Mac OS) or Ctrl+X (Windows)] and Paste functions [Command+V (Mac OS) or Ctrl+V (Windows)] to cut cataloged items from one Gallery and paste them in another. If the Gallery belongs to another Catalog, the items are copied to the Catalog.

Delete items from a Gallery

Select the item(s) to be deleted, then press the Delete key. Or use the standard system Cut function [Command+X (Mac OS) or Control+X (Windows)] to remove the item(s). This deletes items from the Gallery without deleting them from the Catalog.

Delete items from a Catalog*

Select the item(s) to be deleted, then choose “Delete Items” from the Catalog menu. From the Delete Items dialog, choose “Delete from Catalog.” Or select the item(s) and press Option+Delete (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Backspace (Windows).

Copy items to another application

Drag and drop the selected items into an open document in the receiving application. The application must be drag and drop aware.

 * Requires Publisher or higher level access to the open catalog.